- Free mobile sailing weather at
- Premium mobile sailing weather at
- Maps
- Wind
- Peak gusts
- Surface pressure
- Wave heights
- Visibility
- Precipitation
- High wind areas
- Streamlines 10m
- Jet stream/SLP
- 7 Day Forecasts
- Cities
- 1-14 days:
Tmax; Tmin; Wind direction, mean wind-force and max. Gusts -a.m.; -p.m.; Weather -a.m.; -p.m.; -evening; Precipitation; Rain risk;
Sunshine hours; Sunrise; Sunset;
- 48 hrs Forecast in 3 hrs intervals:
Temperature; Wind direction; mean wind-force; Peak gusts;
Weather; Sunshine hours;
- Choose units (C/F, km/h, mph, Bft, knots)
- Update periods
- City: 1-14 Day Forecast every 6 hrs
- 48 hrs Forecast every 3 hrs
- Maps every 6hrs.
- Please note
- Check m.havaturkiye.com prior to purchasing an app in order to verify availability of the requested location, map, parameter